Welcome to Punksters.net. We have a comic
strip here featuring the Punk Rock characters above. From left to right, the members of
the band are Bing the drummer, Bang the guitarist, Crash the singer and
Boom the bass guitarist. That's Bing, Bang, Crash and Boom.
The site has free downloadable desktop
wallpapers, so feel free to download one of them. We
also have some merchandise available that you can check out on
our merchandise page.
The Punksters.net site is part of the craypoe.com network of
websites. You can find links to the various features on those
sites on our Links Page. |
Some of you might be wondering what exactly a Punkster is. If
you look online, you will find a number of different definitions
for the word Punkster. But allow me to give you my own
definition. For all intents and purposes regarding the comic
strip, a Punkster is someone who likes Punk Rock music, somewhat
young (about 17-30 years old) and sort of rebellious or someone
who goes against the grain.
The First Punksters.net Punk Rock
Comic Strip was released on
January 25th 2015. It doesn't really matter if you are into Punk
Rock or not, the comic strip deals with a lot of subjects where
humor can be found. Whether you are a musician, someone who
works a day job you hate or have memories of some of the crazy
things you did when you were young, this comic strip will have
some humor you can relate to.
You can meet the characters on the
Characters Page, in case you want to have more of an idea as
to what the strip involves. We sincerely hope you enjoy the
strip and like the characters as well. Maybe, in the end, you
will want to consider yourself a Punkster too.
Bob Craypoe -
The Creator of the Punksters.net Comic Strip. |